Student Managed Investment Fund (7261AFE)

7261AFE Student Managed Investment Fund is an applied course that challenges high performing students. The course implements the student's prior knowledge of equity investments by evaluating the investment merits of a company and then making actual investment decisions on behalf of Griffith University's Student Managed Investment Fund (SIF). The course is designed to equip postgraduate students with the necessary competencies (ie. investment analysis, equity valuation, written prose and presentation skills) to be work-ready in the financial services sector. The investment decisions of students will be employed to manage the University's Student Investment Fund. Prerequisites: 7242AFE Equity Investments Co-requisites: NIL Incompatible: NIL

Course study information

Credit points (awarded)

10 (10)

Study level


Student contribution band

Arrangements apply

New students (Non-grandfathered students)
Band 4

Grandfathered students
Band 3A

Usually available

Nathan Trimester 1Nathan Trimester 2

Course offerings and timetables


Key dates

Course start date
15 July 2024
Last date to add a course
28 July 2024
Last date to drop a course without financial penalty (Census date)
12 August 2024
Last date to drop a course without academic failure
15 September 2024

Please view full class information for Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics

Class Availability When Where Notes
You must attend this Workshop
Workshop (44495) Open Friday 13:00 - 15:50
Weeks 1 - 4, 5 - 12
N50 0.32E
Business Building
Nathan Campus


Key dates

Course start date
4 March 2024
Last date to add a course
17 March 2024
Last date to drop a course without financial penalty (Census date)
1 April 2024
Last date to drop a course without academic failure
5 May 2024

Please view full class information for Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics

Class Availability When Where Notes
You must attend this Workshop
Workshop (14997) Open Friday 13:00 - 15:50
Weeks 1 - 4, 5 - 12
N50 0.32E
Business Building
Nathan Campus