Gold Coast
Mount Gravatt
South Bank
1 to 1.5 years full-time
3 years part-time
$9,500.00* per year (more)
* 2025 indicative annual CSP
The wants and needs of a rapidly expanding, global population means it has never been more important to shape our environmental future. Environmental engineering is your pathway to protecting the natural environment and its resources by ensuring that we minimise the adverse effect we may have on it. In this program you will develop an understanding of complex environmental problems and issues, and of the challenges facing environmental sustainability. You will learn to design creative engineering solutions and manage key projects associated with environmental protection in the area of solid and hazardous waste management, air quality monitoring and control, water and wastewater treatment, and renewable energy. You will develop the skills to incorporate sustainability concepts into engineering work practices from various discipline backgrounds.
The Master of Environmental Engineering is offered full-time, part-time and both on-campus (at Nathan) and online.
You will be prepared for leading environmental engineering practices in the public sector, resource related sectors, infrastructure sectors, and the consulting engineering sector. You will have the skills to work in organisations that deal with solid and hazardous waste, wastewater and air pollution control.
The indicative annual tuition fee is calculated based on a standard full-time study load which is usually 80 credit points.
The indicative annual tuition fee is based on current conditions and available data and should only be used as a guide. These fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change.
If the fee rate for your program is not displayed above, please contact Student Connect for assistance.
If a postgraduate student changes to a different program they will be subject to the approved program fee for the trimester in which they are enrolled.
This postgraduate program has Commonwealth Supported Places. If you are eligible, the Australian Government will contribute to the cost of this program but you will also be required to make a contribution. Quotas are applied for admission to the Commonwealth Supported Places. Where demand exceeds the number of available places and all places have been filled for the current admission period, applicants who meet minimum program entry requirements may be eligible for a Fee-Paying Postgraduate place if such places are available. Please note that deferrals are not permitted for programs with Commonwealth Supported Places.